Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cosmetic Surgery Just For You

How To Choose The Right Cosmetic Surgery Treatment

With so many choices around, doing your research is essential when opting for cosmetic surgery. So be honest with both yourself and your doctor to get what’s best for you.

As well as considering factors such as cost and recovery time, for a lot of people, choosing the right treatment or procedure has a lot to do with the inevitable fear factor.

When you do your research you may feel that some procedures are a lot scarier than others. However, that might be a misconception. For example, I know of many people who believe that liposuction is brutal and invasive, while in fact it’s a fairly gentle procedure that leaves tiny scars. A tummy tuck on the other hand, which perhaps sounds a minor procedure, is a much more invasive and risky operation. So try and find our exactly what each treatment entails before making your decision.

Be Sure Of What You Want
It is common practise in cosmetic surgery for the doctor to hand you a mirror at the start of the consultation and ask you to specifically point out what is bothering you. It is your responsibility to communicate your goals at this point. You should be able to explain specifically exactly what it is that you do not like about your face or body. Explain to the doctor what doesn’t look good as it once did and what you want to change or improve and the appearance you hope for at the end of the operation.

To help you, prepare a list of questions, so you don’t forget anything important. It is also a good idea to take notes during the consultation, as they will come in handy later.

Make sure that you ask about the basics of procedures and how they apply to you as an individual.

Another very important point to consider is this: understanding the limitations of procedures is vital to avoid being disappointed. It is no good pointing to a picture of Angelina Jolie and saying that you want to look like that.

The quality of the result is going to depend on many different factors including your skin type, skin elasticity, bone structure, general health, previous surgery to the area and your own healing pattern. Remember, too, that the procedure that’s done wonders for your best friend or work colleague may not be the best for you. If you are realistic from the start then you will avoid bitter disappointment and you will be happier with the results.

Another tip is to bring a list of practical questions, including fees, payment methods and scheduling appointments. A lot of these questions can asked when you speak to the doctor’s secretary or nurse/manager.

Another common mistake from a lot of people considering cosmetic surgery is to zero in on one specific concern, while ignoring something else that really needs attention to achieve a degree of change that is aesthetically pleasing overall. What do I mean? Well for instance, you might be fixating on your eyelids when really your brows need lifting too, or having your neck lifted but missing the little lines ageing your mouth. Your doctor may mention these to you but as I said earlier, it is really up to you to get these points across so that the doctor can give you the best possible results and the cosmetic surgery will live up to your expectations.

Remember that enhancing one feature can cause other features to stand out unflatteringly in comparison, a bit like painting only one wall of a room.

Do your research, prepare well and be realistic. If you keep these points in mind then you will be able to choose the right cosmetic surgery treatment that suits you.

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