Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Risks That Involved In Cosmetic Surgery

It is all too easy to get carried away by excitement of the prospect of getting a brand new look. However, don't lose sight of the realities of going through a surgical procedure on your face or body. Just because it is called cosmetic doesn't mean that it isn't surgery with all of the risks attached. Remember that any time a surgeon picks up a scalpel, it is real surgery and all surgery includes an element of uncertainty and should be taken seriously. You should be aware of any consequences should it not go as planned.

With any medical procedure there is always a possibility of unexpected – or unwanted – events. No surgeon in the world can give absolute guarantees as to the final results. The ultimate decision to proceed rests with you, the patient. You make an informed choice after the doctor has made a conscientious effort to explain every aspect for the procedure.

Remember that your surgeon has no ethical responsibility to explain all potential complications in detail. So it really is up to you to ask about anything that you don't feel sure about regarding the cosmetic surgery procedure. When you come up with some questions it is important to factor in the variables of your individual health status, age, skin quality, gender and your medical history. This will help your surgeon to be able to give realistic and honest answers to your questions.

The most common reactions to cosmetic procedures are swelling and bruising. These are inevitable after having cosmetic surgery and sometimes even with non-surgical procedures too. Nausea and vomiting are relatively common reactions to anaesthesia. It is usual to be prescribed an antibiotic before and /or after surgery to guard against any infection.

After the procedure, you will be instructed to be on the lookout for signs of infection near the incisions. These might include increased swelling, redness, high fever, warmth, bleeding or other discharge. If you experience unusual symptoms, such as heavy bleeding, throbbing, sudden pain followed by significant swelling, report them immediately. You will also be asked to check that your bowels are functioning normally, since constipation is common after an anaesthetic.

Here are some of the risks of reactions to cosmetic Surgery : Swelling (common), Bruising (common), Nausea and vomiting (reaction to anaesthetics and medications), Allergic reaction to anaesthesia, Bleeding, Infection, Haematoma (blood clot), Seroma (collection of fluid), Skin sloughing (skin loss), Nerve damage (temporary injury to nerve), Delayed healing, Poor scarring (raised or thickened scars), Prolonged numbness.

Here Are Some More Serious Complications of Surgery : Pulmonary embolus (blood clot), Fat embolus (fat clot), Permanent nerve damage, Malignant hypothermia (dangerous rise in body temperature), Arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat), Sepsis (blood poisoning).

Don't worry unduly. It is highly unlikely that you will develop anything more severe than bruising, swelling or constipation but I hope that I have helped you to see that you must take cosmetic surgery very seriously and know about all of the risks before you go ahead.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Breast Implants ABC

According to the various bodies of plastic surgeons around the world, breast augmentation, or enhancements is consistently the number one cosmetic procedure (followed closely by eyelid surgery). The breast enhancement procedure is performed to increase the breast size and fullness of women with small breasts or whose breasts may have decreased in size after giving birth.

When people think of breast enhancements, they tend to think of Pamela Anderson sized breasts. In reality the average woman usually wants to increase one or two cup sizes. A breast implant is basically a soft, silicone envelope with various fillers. It is surgically implanted under the tissues of your chest to simulate natural breast tissue. The sac may then be filled with a silicone gel-like substance or saline (salt water).

The implants themselves may be round or teardrop shaped with a textured or smooth coating. The newest breast implants on the market are made of a cohesive silicone gel, which is thicker and firmer than previous versions. They offer a much better shape and projection. They are safer too, as they virtually eliminate the risks of rupture and last much longer.

There are a wide variety of implant designs, shapes, sizes and textures. You should discuss with your surgeon the advantages and disadvantages of each of these choices. He will be more than happy to discuss all of your options for breast implants so that you can make a more informed decision about which option is best for you. When you see your surgeon, detailed measurements will be taken to determine the precise design and dimensions of implants to help you to achieve the look you want and suit your body better.

What is involved When you have breast implants?

A breast enhancement procedure is performed in a hospital under general anaesthesia. The surgeon will make an incision, lifting the breast tissue, creating a pocket in the chest/breast area. He will then place an envelope containing a soft, implant material underneath. The incision is usually made in the crease below the breast or around the areola, sometimes under the armpit or through the belly button.

The implants can be placed either under the chest muscle or directly under the breast tissue. This all depends on your breast anatomy, breast-feeding tissues, lifestyle or indeed your personal preference. You will already have discussed this with your surgeon. One of the key determining factors is whether or not you want to keep your implants a secret as a visible scar on the breast is a certain giveaway that your breast have been enlarged.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Risks And Recovery Times Of Having A Nose Job

As common as nose jobs are, like all operations, there is still an element of risk involved. This article will help you to be able to make an informed decision about whether to decide to go ahead with having your nose reshaped or not.

The Risks
Nosebleeds are very common after Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping procedure). Although unlikely, it is possible to get an infection but a good surgeon and hospital will help to prevent this from happening. Every nose is different and there is no such thing as an absolutely perfect nose. You should expect some irregularities with the cartilage and bone. They are quite normal and are present in all noses.

Don’t be surprised if you have to have a second operation. Corrective surgery might be needed if the nose settles into its new shape incorrectly. If this is the case you will need to wait at least six or twelve months as the tissues will need time to heal properly and for the swelling to have completely disappeared.

The surgeon might also recommend Dermal fillers to be used after the surgery to fill out any subtle defects in the nose.

Recovery Time After The Operation
The surgeon will usually apply a splint to the nose for up to a week after the operation while the bones are setting. The nose may be packed very lightly with medicated gauze but this will removed by the second day.

You may experience nosebleeds and the surgeon will show you how to change the gauze bandages as they get soiled by the blood. It is important to keep the splints and dressings completely dry.

Your internal stitches will slowly dissolve themselves, so you don’t have to be concerned with getting them removed. If you have stitches on the external part of your nose, these will be removed by the end of your first week, most likely at the same time that your splint is removed.

It is very likely that you will experience some swelling, pressure and stuffiness for several weeks after the operation but in most cases you will be able to resume normal activities after only a few days.

You will be advised to keep your head elevated above the level of your heart for the first few days. This is important, as it will reduce the swelling.

If your nasal bones have been fractured, you may bruising around the eyelid area and have bloodshot eyes. Apart from looking as if you have just done 12 rounds with Mike Tyson, this is nothing to worry about. The bruising will usually peak after 72 hours and then will subside within 2 weeks.

You must avoid any contact sports or activity that may cause injury for four to six weeks. During this time the nose will be very tender and it will take at least three weeks before the nose is healed enough to allow full physical activity.

Even simple things like blowing your nose will be affected so try not to blow your nose too forcefully to avoid excessive bleeding. If you wear glasses, these may be taped to your forehead, as the bridge on your nose will not be properly set yet.

Overall, your nose will remain tender for up to twelve months, sometimes longer. It all depends on the thickness of your skin. The thicker your skin, the longer it will be before you eventually see the final shape.